Universal Acceptance   #Internet4All

Universal Acceptance #Internet4All

Universal Acceptance Day & geoTLD.group UA Technical Training day (21 April)   28 March 2023 marks the first Universal Acceptance Day !  On UA Day organisations around the world organise or annouce events and trainings to spread Universal Acceptance (UA)...
geoTLD.group General Assembly 2022 & Elections

geoTLD.group General Assembly 2022 & Elections

On 28 September, the geoTLD.group held its annual General Assembly and Excom elections. The geoTLD.group members re-elected with unanimity the outgoing Excom for a new 3-year term: geoTLD.group Chair,  Mr Nacho Amadoz (Fundació Puntcat, .cat) geoTLD.group Vice-chair,...
geoTLD.group @ICANN75

geoTLD.group @ICANN75

ICANN concluded it’s 75th Public Meeting which was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and online from 17-22 September. The geoTLD.group co-organised a capacity building session for the Government Advisory Committee (GAC). The session was an opportunity for GAC...
Geotld Group