.eus, the domain for the Basque community presents itsself in a new video. Click below to view the Spanish and Basque versions on youtube. The clip will be broadcasted on the Basque Public TV .EUS, a los cuatro vientos. .EUS, lau haizeetara....
Check out our site!
- Zergatik naizen PUNTUEUS?
- Photos from Puntueus's post
- 🔐 Zure marka babestuko dugu.Edozein markarentzat funtsezkoa da online identitatea gordetzea eta hirugarrenen usurpazioa saihes...
- 🎭 2015ean sortu zen @xakeprodukzioa Kepa Errasti eta Xabier Ormazabalen eskutik, eta ordutik dira .EUS.Produktoraren helburu...
- ✍️ 'Edukien marketinerako saltsa sekretua: istorioak kontatzea' artikulua utzi digu @amaia_ocerin-ek Sarea.eus-en.Markek gaur...
- What are you waiting for? 👀👇 https://t.co/ye8DRUn2gJ
- ✍️ Lan-hitzarmena sinatu dugu @UNED_Bergara-rekin!Akordioaren helburua Fundazioko ikasle eta irakasleen konpetentzia digital...
- Ez galdu aukera 👇 https://t.co/76dq1RgTQY
on holiday with the geo’s – enjoy!
geoTLDs promote local and digital identities. They are the perfect place to discover a city or region and plan your well deserved holiday - long or short! We present you some examples of useful sites to plan your visit and stay. The geoTLD.group wishes you a nice...
.eus Cybersecurity report 2021
Puntueus has managed 277 risk cases in the last year THE 2021 CYBERSECURITY REPORT INCLUDES THE NUMBER, TYPE AND RESOLUTION OF CASES PROCESSED 85% of the risk cases detected by PUNTUEUS in 2021 have been malignant domains. 0.02% of the total of 13,083 registered .EUS...

Lorea Arakistain
+34 943085051 Ext. 10

Josu Waliño
+34 943085051 Ext. 12

Manex Garaio
+34 943085051 Ext. 11

Leire Palacios
Project manager
+34 943085051 Ext. 14

Oier Albizu
+34 943085051 Ext. 15