Members Meeting 2023 

11-12  September 2023, Köln, Germany

geoTLDs & Road to Hamburg

Organised in cooperation with ECO Association of the the Internet Industry, the Road to Hamburg session on 11 September is an opportunity for members and invited guests to explore the state of play of the domain name industry and discuss latest and upcoming developments. members meeting

12 September is reserved for the typical members meeting and information exchange. 


Meeting structure & Draft Agenda  (times are in CEST, UTC+2)

Monday 11 September – geoTLDs & Road to Hamburg


12:30-13:30   registration and networking 

13:30-17:30  geoTLDs & Road to Hamburg 

Organised by the in cooperation with eco Association of the the Internet Industry, the Road to Hamburg session is an opportunity for members and invited guests to explore the state of play of the domain name industry and discuss latest and upcoming developments.   

13:30  Welcome and Introductions

    • Welcome & introduction – the  (Nacho Amadoz, .cat, Chair)
    • Welcome & introduction – the eco ICANN78 Accompanying Programme (Thomas Rickert, Director Names & Numbers, eco; Lars Steffen, Director eco International)
    • ICANN Welcome message – Chris Mondini, ICANN VP Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director, Europe

14:00  Roundtable 1:  geoTLDs – Experiences, Opportunities and Future Prospects (moderator: Nacho Amadoz, .cat)

Setting the scene:

  • the geoTLD Landscape – Nacho Amadoz, .cat
  • Digital City Brands / Dotzon Study – Dirk Krischenowski, .berlin, .hamburg

Moderated discussion: Opportunities and future prospects

15:30  Coffee break & Networking

16:00  geoTLDs & Registrar roundtable – Branding and Marketing Opportunities (moderator: Benjamin Louis, .alsace)

Setting the scene

  • Marketing of new gTLDs / Global Domain Study – Sophie Peck, Sedo
  • Net Cologne promoting .koeln/.cologne  Christina Bönig, NetCologne, Ronald Schwärzler, .koeln/.cologne, .wien
  • Registry/Registrar joint action for .eus, .gal, .cat  (Josu Waliño)
  • Moderated discussion: how can geoTLDs and registrars cooperate for promoting  

17:30  Summary & End of the day  

19:30- …  Dinner in the city  

Tuesday 12 September  – geoTLD Members meeting


9:00-16:30 Members – exchanges & updates

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Updates from Members / Roundtable   (Each member is invited to provide a short 2 minute update)
  • Follow-up on issues emerging from the discussion on the Open Day 

Regulatory developments and their impact on geoTLD registries  

  • Update on ongoing EU Regulatory developments – 
  • NIS2 implementation by EU Member states – What to expect as a geoTLDs registry operator?

ICANN policy & engagement  

  • ICANN/GNSO update (next round, DNS Abuse amenments, ICANN78, …) housekeeping  

  • geoTLD Universal Acceptance Chapter – update and next steps
  • Review Bylaws to comply with changed Belgian legislation
  • Update on accounts & activities plan

Venue, registration 


Register for on-site participation (link)

We highly recommend to join the meeting in Köln.  Online participation will be provided for members not able to attend in person.


Meeting Venue –  ECO Kubus

Lichtstraße 43 h,  50825 Köln, Germany


Dinner Restaurant –  Brauhaus Päffgen

Friesenstraße 64-66, 50670 Köln 



Geotld Group