On 28 September, the geoTLD.group held its annual General Assembly and Excom elections.

The geoTLD.group members re-elected with unanimity the outgoing Excom for a new 3-year term:

  • geoTLD.group Chair,  Mr Nacho Amadoz (Fundació Puntcat, .cat)
  • geoTLD.group Vice-chair, Mr Josu Waliño (Puntueus Fundazioa, .eus)
  • geoTLD.group Treasurer, Mr Ronald Schwärzler (Domainworx Service & Management GmbH, .wien, .koeln, .cologne)

The geoTLD.group currently has 28 members (23 full member member and 5 Observer members) together managing 35 geoTLDs.    [Europe]  .alsace  .amsterdam  .barcelona  .bayern  .berlin .brussels  .bzh  .cat  .cologne  .eus  .frl  .gal  .hamburg  .koeln  .london  .madrid  .nrw  .paris  .ruhr  .saarland  .scot  .stockholm  .swiss  .tirol  .vlaanderen  .wien  [Africa]  .africa  .capetown  .durban  .joburg  [America]  .boston  .miami  .nyc  .quebec  [Asia Pacific] .melbourne  .sydney .tokyo 


Geotld Group