Aceptación Universal. As preguntas que nunca te fixeras, contestadas.  Universal Acceptance. The questions you never asked, answered.

Universal Acceptance (UA) is the principle that all domain names and email addresses on the internet are recognised and can be used without restriction across various applications and devices, regardless of their language and length. PuntoGal (.gal) answers all the UA questions you never asked in one informative UA slide in English and Galician . 

PuntoGal celebrates Universal Acceptance Day with an event at the Faculty of Communication in A Coruña.  On Friday 28 March, coinciding with the celebration of World UA Day, PuntoGal is organising a UA awareness and training event at the University of A Coruña (UDC), in cooperation with ICANN and the Professional College of Computer Engineering of Galicia and the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers.  More details on the event, which can be followed remotely, can be found here.


Geotld Group