The .barcelona domain turns six with 5,000 active domains

Since opening up its public register in March 2016, the .barcelona domain has generated a volume of active domains comparable to other large cities. With 5,228 domains in all, the number of domains per inhabitant puts .barcelona on a par with other city domains such as .paris, .london and .tokyo.

Besides the overall figures, the .barcelona domain stands out from the rest of geoTLDs for its permeability in Barcelona’s society. The domain reflects the city’s social and commercial make-up and is used across multiple sectors.

Browsing the different types of .barcelona domains gives us a first-hand look at the city’s most typical and iconic sectors. Staring with cultural domains such as those used by the MACBA or Park Güell, and moving onto gastronomic ones such as the one for La Boqueria, in just a few clicks we can get a feel for the city.

We can also find .barcelona domains relating to sports, such as the ones for the firefighters’ run or La Mercè, which represent the city so well. There are domains for shopping too, such as the recently launched BCNMarket, the city’s official online shop.

The Catalan capital has an exceptional showcase on the internet thanks to the .barcelona domain, which brings together the diversity of activities and services offered by the city.

The domain turned six on 21 March, celebrating the opening of the domain register to all projects wishing to sign up to it. Even so, the domain officially started life in July 2015, when it started being used for municipal projects. A year later came the formal contact with the ICANN, the main regulating body for this sector.

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Geotld Group